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Herrera-Bachiller A; García-Corrales P; Roldán C; Junoy J. 2008. The ignored but common nemertine from the Galician beaches (Spain), Psammamphiporus elongatus, affected by the Prestige oil spill. Marine Ecology  29 (sup.1): 43-50

Junoy J, Andrade SCS, Giribet G, 2010. Phylogenetic placement of a new hoplonemertean species commensal on ascidians. Invertebrate Systematics 24: 616-629.

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Puerta P; Andrade SCS; Junoy J. 2010. Redescription of Lineus acutifrons Southern, 1913 (Nemertea: Pilidiophora) and comments on its phylogenetic position. Journal of Natural History, 44: 37,2363 — 2378.

Andrade SCS, Strand M, Schwartz M, Chen H, Kajihara H, von Döhren J, Sun S, Junoy J, Thiel M, Norenburg JL, Turbeville JM, Giribet G, Sundberg P. 2012. Disentangling ribbon worm relationships: multi-locus analysis supports traditional classification of the phylum Nemertea. Cladistics 28: 141-159.

Junoy J., Herrera-Bachiller, A. 2012. El nemertino con el pijama de rayas, Micrura dellechiajei (Hubrecht, 1879): Una desconocida especie, nueva para la fauna española. Revista de Investigación Marina 19: 424-425..

Kem W., Junoy J. 2012. Discovery of the Nicotinic Receptor Toxin Anabaseine in  a Polystiliferan Nemertine. Toxicon 60: 125-126.

Taboada S, Junoy J, Andrade SCS, Giribet G, Cristobo J, Avila C. 2013. On the identity of two Antarctic brooding nemerteans: redescription of Antarctonemertes valida (Bürger, 1893) and description of a new species in the genus Antarctonemertes Friedrich, 1955 (Nemertea, Hoplonemertea). Polar Biology 36:1415-1430.

Herrera-Bachiller A., Pérez J., Junoy J. 2014. Occurrence of the ribbon worm Emplectonema neesii (Nemertea: Hoplonemertea) in the Atlantic coast of Spain. Marine Biodiversity Records 7 (on line)

Kvist S, Laumer C, Junoy J, Giribet G 2014.New insights into the phylogeny, systematics and DNA barcoding of Nemertea. Invertebrate Systematics, 28: 287-308.

Herrera-Bachiller A., Junoy J. 2014. Occurrence of the interstitial nemertean Ototyphlonemertes duplex (Nemertea: Hoplonemertea) in the Cabo de Gata Natural Park (Mediterranean, south-east Spain). Marine Biodiversity Records 7 (on line)

Junoy J, Herrera-Bachiller A, Ocaña O. 2014. Los nemertinos de Ceuta. Memoria del proyecto de investigación del Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes. 54 pp.

Herrera-Bachiller A., Kvist S, Giribet G, Junoy J. 2015. Redescription of Micrura dellechiajei (Hubrecht, 1879) (Nemertea, Pilidiophora, Lineidae), a rare Mediterranean species.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

Trowbridge C.D, Hiebert L.S., Junoy J., Little C., Stirling P.,Dlouhy-Massengale B., Mcallen R. 2015. Nemerteans in an Irish marine reserve: synopsis of current and historical records. Marine Biodiversity Records, 8; e145.

Herrera-Bachiller A., Fernández-Álvarez, FA, Junoy J. 2015. A taxonomic catalogue of the nemerteans (Phylum Nemertea) from Spain and Portugal. Zoological Science 32: 507-522.

Taboada S., Leiva C, Junoy J, Alexander F, Riesgo A. 2018. A new member of the genus Antarctonemertes (Hoplonemertea,Nemertea) from Antarctic waters. Polar Biology

Junoy J., Herrera-Bachiller, A. 2018. Filo Nemertea. En: Bañon R. (Ed.) Inventario de la biodiversidad marina de Galicia: Proyecto LEMGAL pp 225-230. Consellería do Mar, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela.

Taboada S., Leiva C, Junoy J, Alexander F, Riesgo A. 2018. A new member of the genus Antarctonemertes (Hoplonemertea,Nemertea) from Antarctic waters. Polar Biology

Strand M, Norenburg J, Alfaya JE, Fernández‐Álvarez FA, Andersson AH, Andrade SCS, Bartolomaeus T, Beckers P, Bigatti G, Cherneva I, Chernyshev A, Chung BM, von Döhren J, Giribet G, Gonzalez‐Cueto J, Herrera‐Bachiller A, Hiebert T, Hookabe N, Junoy J, Kajihara H, Krämer D, Kvist S, Magarlamov TY, Maslakova S,  Mendes CB,  Okazaki R, Sagorny C, Schwartz M, Sun S-C, Sundberg P, Turbeville JM,  Xu C-M. 2019. Nemertean taxonomy—Implementing changes in the higher ranks, dismissing Anopla and Enopla. Zoologica Scripta, 48:118-119. doi:10.1111/zsc.12182

Verdes A., Arias MB, Junoy J, Schwartz M, Kajihara H. 2021. Species delimitation and phylogenetic analyses reveal cryptic diversity within Cerebratulus marginatus (Nemertea: Pilidiophora). Systematics and Biodiversiy

Kajihara H., Grygier MJ, Andrade SCS, Bartolomaeus T,  Cherneva IA, Chernyshev AV, von Döhren J, Ellison CI, Gibson R, Giribet G, Hiebert TC,  Hookabe N, Junoy J, Kvist S, Maslakova SA, Mendes CB, Norenburg JL, Polyakova NE, Sagorny C,  Schwartz ML, Strand M, Sun S, Turbeville JM, Zattara EE. 2021. Case 3849 – Emplectonematidae Bürger, 1904 and Emplectonema Stimpson, 1857 (Nemertea, Monostilifera): proposed conservation of current usage by reversal of precedence of the family name with respect to Eunemertidae Joubin, 1894 and designation of a new
type species for the genus. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 78.

Kem WR, Rocca JR,  Johnson JV, Junoy J. 2023. Discovery of the Nicotinic Receptor Toxin Anabaseine in a Polystiliferan Nemertean. Toxins15, 46

Cherneva I, Ellison CI,  Zattara EE, Norenburg JL,  Schwartz ML, Junoy J,  Maslakova SA. 2023.Seven new species of Tetranemertes Chernyshev, 1992 (Monostilifera, Hoplonemertea, Nemertea) from the Caribbean Sea, western Pacific, and Arabian Sea, and revision of the genus. ZooKeys 1181: 167–200.

Junoy, J. 2023. Descubierto el peligroso gusano de neón. The Conversation 22 octubre  2023